Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) Equipment

MPI Test Bar

Centre Line Crack Test Piece

Magnetic Particle Test Plate

The MPI Test Bar is used as a test piece with artificial flaws to establish field direction and determine adequate current levels using AC or DC current in wet horizontal magnetic particle bench units.

The bar contains both fine and coarse defects, surface and subsurface defects and longitudinal and transverse indications. As required in some specs, this bar may be used to determine that the MPI procedure has the ability to detect a 1/16 inch long by .006 inch wide by .01 inch deep notch (maximum dimension) oriented 90 degrees to the magnetic flux.

It is made of low alloy steel and is filled flush with a non-conducting material to prevent mechanical holding of the magnetic particles.

Product Data

  • Meets or exceeds most industrial and military standards for artificial test specimens.
  • Can be used for system performance test similar to AS 5282 Test Ring.
  • Complies with ASTM E 709-08 (Sections 14.2.2 & 20.8.2) ASTM E1444 (Section 7.1.2)

Setup & Current Settings

Direction Magnetisation of Bar Surface Cracks Sub-surface Cracks Min. Current Needed To Find Indication
Longitudinal Pass current through the bar (Contact Shot) AC DC

AC 160 amps

DC 400 amps

Transverse Place bar in coil (Lengthwise) AC DC

AC 450 amps

DC 780-890 amps


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